Summer Timetable 2019
Our Summer Timetable for 2019 is finally ready and is packed full of exciting crafty activities and arty workshops for children of all ages! Have a look at what's on offer at The Craft Barn in Hadfield then get in touch with the relevant organiser to book your child's place. Places will fill up fast so make sure to book in advance.
Download the PDF timetable to print out

Download the PDF timetable to print out

All activities must be pre-booked. Activities marked with * require payment in advance. All materials and refreshments for the children will be provided unless stated otherwise in the description.
If you require further information please contact the providers.
If you require further information please contact the providers.
Holiday journal or secret diary
5-12 years
Make a holiday journal, sketchbook or secret diary using up-cycled materials
Mon 29 Jul 9.30am & 11am
Duration: 1hr
Draw Bugs!
7-10 years
Capture the beauty of insects working from museum artefacts and source books.
Tues 30 Jul 10am
Duration: 2 hrs
Concertina Book
7-10 years
Create a concertina book filled with collaged insects.
Thurs 1 Aug 10am
Duration: 2 hrs
Little Artists
2-6 years
An hour of themed creative crafty fun.
Aug 5 - 22
9.30am & 11am
Duration: 1hr
Art Club
6-10 years
Exploration of different forms of street art.
6, 13 & 20 Aug
Duration: 2 hrs
5-10 years
Lego challenges, competitions and themed activities.
5, 12 & 19 Aug
Duration: 1.5 hrs
Monoprint workshop
7-10 years
Recreate a masterpiece in monoprint.
Tues 6 Aug 10am
Duration: 2 hrs
Experimental Print Workshop
7-10 years
Create your own landscape using an etching press, textured surfaces and laser cut shapes.
Thurs 8 Aug 10am
Duration: 2 hrs
Junk Modelling
5-8 years
Themed fun with random 'recyclables', tape and imagination!
8, 9, 15 &16 Aug 1.30pm
Duration 1.5 hrs
Ceramic Picasso Platters
7-10 years
Design and hand decorate your own platters with images of animals, birds and fish [work will be glazed, fired and ready to collect at the Barn the following week] (cost covers 2 platters. £3 for each additional platter).
Tues 13 Aug 10am
Duration 1.5 hrs
3-4 years
Age appropriate geology topics. The children will be able to choose 3 topics and develop a related craft. They will receive record cards from all the topics.
Wed 14 & 28 Aug 10am
Duration 2hrs
Age appropriate geology topics. The children will be able to choose 3
topics and develop a related craft. They will receive record cards from
all the topics.
5-7 years
Wed 14 & 28 Aug 1.30pm
Duration 2hrs
Age appropriate geology topics. The children will be able to choose 3
topics and develop a related craft. They will receive record cards from
all the topics.
7-11 years
Wed 14 & 28 Aug 4pm
Duration 2hrs
Ceramic Coasters
7-10 years
Decorate a set of 6 coasters with your own designs. [work will be glazed, fired and ready to collect at the Barn the following week]
Thurs 15 Aug 10am
Duration 2 hours
Desk Tidy
5-12 years
Create an up-cycled desk tidy.
£6* Fri 16 Aug 9.30am, 11am
Duration 1 hour